The calendar below displays US Holidays,
the JSIS SPS calendar, and the JSIS PTSA calendar.
If you want to connect the calendars above to your personal Google calendar, click the Add to Google Calendar button in the bottom-left corner of the calendar above.
You can connect the JSIS SPS calendar to your personal calendar via the school district website.
You can also connect the JSIS PTSA calendar to your personal calendar via this ICS file.
Here are some of the notable events that happen each year at JSIS. Make sure to mark your calendars!
PTSA Ice Cream Social
Students can explore the school, visit their classrooms and meet their teachers!
Curriculum Night
A parents-only event to meet the JSIS educators, and learn what teachers are planning for the year.
ASA Registration
Sign your kid(s) up for After School Activities.
Monster Mash
JSIS's Halloween celebration.
Dia de los Muertos / Obon
Celebrate and honor our beloved dead.
PTSA Giving Tree
Give support to families in need during the holiday season.
Conferences & Thanksgiving Break
Family-Teacher conferences are held the Monday through Wednesday of Thanksgiving week.
School Concerts
Come see musical performances by JSIS students.
Winter Break
A ~2 week school break around Christmas and New Years.
Ice Skating Social
Ice skating at the Kraken Community Iceplex.
Mid-Winter Break
A week-long break mid-February
Japan Night
A celebration of Japanese culture.